Stoked on Fishing

Season Seven

Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, and Dorado fishing in Costa Rica

Some of the best Sportfishing in the world takes place in Costa Rica. Especially out of a village named Nosara. Nosara is far from commercial fishing lanes and off the….

Using Live Yellowfin Tuna as Bait

This was one of the most EPIC trips. Not only was there non-stop sailfish, giant Dorado, and Marlin fishing but for the first time, we used a Yellowfin Tuna as bait and….

Limited Two Day Fishing Charter on the El Dorado

One of the best trips on the planet is fishing for Peacock Bass in the Amazon River “aka The Rio Negro.” Fishing on the Blackwater Explorer with Acute Angling Is a real bucket…

GIANT Peacock Bass fishing in the Amazon

The Amazon River, “aka the Rio Negro,” is home the biggest peacock bass it the world. The Stoked On Fishing Crew and friends travel to the Rio Negro for their annual….

Fishing for Exotic Amazon Species

The Amazon River, “aka the Rio Negro,” is home the biggest peacock bass it the world. The Stoked On Fishing Crew and friends travel to the Rio Negro for their annual….

Fishing In The Amazon River “AKA The Rio Negro”

The Amazon River, “aka the Rio Negro,” is home the biggest peacock bass it the world. The Stoked On Fishing Crew and friends travel to the Rio Negro for their annual….

Fishing For GIANT Peacock Bass

The Amazon River, “aka the Rio Negro,” is home the biggest peacock bass it the world. The Stoked On Fishing Crew and friends travel to the Rio Negro for their annual….

Calico Bass and Yellowtail Fishing off San Clemente Island

Not only did we have a fantastic time Yellowtail and Calico Bass fishing, but we also got to witness a seal being attacked by a hammerhead shark very close to….

Winter Bass Fishing at Lake Perris, 2020

Putting Okumas new Serrano Series Bass Rods to the test, Shea McIntee heads out with a good friend and local guide, Todd Kline, for an epic day of early winter Bass….

Panama Fishing, Tuna Foamers Madness

This past spring, Shea McIntee visited one of his new most favorite spots on the planet, Panama, to fish the world-famous Hannibal bank….

Inshore Cubera Snapper and a Wicked Offshore Tuna Bite

Shea met up with his old friend Chris Atkins from Central America Fishing, who set him up to go on the Pesca Panama, and ended up in the Coiba national park….

Panama Fishing, Tuna Everywhere!

On our First Pesca Panama Episode episode, we arrived in Panama City and headed off to fish some of Panama’s best fishing spots….

The Ultimate Halibut Fishing Charter

This week’s episode is part one of our 2020 Alaska episode series, which were filmed in 2019. We fly into Glacier Bay National Park and are staying at Alaskan Anglers Inn….

The Ultimate Alaskan Fishing Charter

If you have never been to Alaska before, it is an absolute must-see. During the summertime, it doesn’t matter what you do; it is flat out awesome. The entire time you see….

The Ultimate Alaskan Rock Fishing Charter

This week’s episode is our final day of fishing. For the first time in the trip the sun comes out, and the fish love it. We give only last shot at trying to catch a King….

Hot Tuna Bite in Baja

In this first Baja fishing episode of the 2020 season, we head down to East Cape, also know as the gem of Baja Mexico, and stay at Hotel Buena Vista Beach….

Hot Bite in Baja

After checking in to the beautiful fishing resort, we headed off for some epic tuna fishing and also got into some marlin as well. In this week’s episode, we….



Monday – Friday:
11:00 – 12:00 noon & 7:00 – 8:00pm

Saturday & Sunday:
2:00 – 3:00pm