Stoked on Fishing


Shogun Skiff Trip Sizzle

Fishing calico bass and yellowtail up close and personnel at Cedros and Benitos Island, Mexico. Absolutely insane calico bass fishing and full speed yellowtail action….

2012 Olive Crest

The Saltwater Bass Anglers and Olive Crest Children’s Hospital host the 2nd annual charity fishing event in Newport Beach Beach California….

2013 Olive Crest

The Saltwater Bass Anglers, Stoked On Fishing and the Olive Crest Foundation rally up for there 3rd annual “HOOK EM FOR THIER FUTURE” fishing derby…

Dana Wharf Kids Club Sundays

Every Sunday Dana Wharf has free fishing on the Sum Fun. Kids and parents get stoked on fishing at Dana Wharf Sportfishing…..

Stoked On Fishing Sizzle

To be STOKED is to be completely and intensely enthusiastic, exhilarated, or excited about something. Being STOKED is the epitome of all being…

Butch Brown Sizzle

Fishing calico bass and yellowtail up close and personnel at Cedros and Benitos Island, Mexico. Absolutely insane calico bass fishing and full speed yellowtail action…

California Offshore Challenge

Saltwater Bass Anglers tournament footage of the California Offshore Challenge 2009 – 2012. Stoked on Fishing captures team anglers fishing for there top 5 calico bass…

Catalina Island Tenacious Baits

Tenacious Baits Pro Staff anglers Jason Quimby & Ron Withers travel to Catalina Island and put the Tenacious lead heads and swimbaits to the test…

Camera Man Fishing Time

Shea McIntee and Eric “JT” Belson take a break from the camera and head south to San Diego Bay California for some spotted bay bass fun..

Cedros Island Adventure

Stoked On Fishing travels to Cedros Island Mexico to film the world class calico bass and yellowtail fishing. Anglers catch, calico bass, yellowtail, big halibut…



Monday – Friday:
11:00 – 12:00 noon & 7:00 – 8:00pm

Saturday & Sunday:
2:00 – 3:00pm